Science and STEM


At Whittingham C of E Primary School, it is our intention to recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires. The Scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. We intend to build a Science curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and build a Science curriculum which enables children to become enquiry based learners.

We will ensure they are covering skills and concepts from the National Curriculum.

We aim to develop their scientific skills and concepts which are transferrable to different areas within science. 

We have chosen these topics for their local relevance and how they have impacted the wider world.

It allows children to embed scientific knowledge and start to develop their scientific questioning and use of key vocabulary. 

We will structure the lessons so that prior knowledge, revision of facts and scientific knowledge are built upon.

We will ensure that revision and introduction of key vocabulary is built into each lesson.

We will ensure that children have the opportunity to apply these skills and language during the lesson.


We want the children to develop a love of science and exploring scientific concepts which they can relate to.

As the children develop their vocabulary these will be displayed throughout the school/classroom for children to refer to during the lesson.

We will measure the impact of their learning through key questioning, child led assessment and summative assessment.


We love Science! Please see some examples of our children being involved in exciting investigations.
Teen Tech (an educational organisation) ran a nation-wide challenge for school children during the Spring term of 2021. This involved setting the challenge to participating children to consider what makes a good building based on the environmental, regional and national issues. The children researched building materials and global issues to inform them of what a 'building of the future' would be designed like. They then planned and made a model of their design and presented this via photos, text or a video. These presentations were evaluated by national leaders within the engineering, computer and environmental fields of industry and several rounds of judging took place. Ultimately we had several of our pupils make it through to the final rounds and Alex even won his category from across the country. The children enjoyed this project and it really got them thinking more about the world around them.
As part of Science and STEM week we had a special visit to the whole of Key Stage One and Two. The workshop was a Lego Robotics day. Class One enjoyed designing and making their own models using the Lego. The aim was that it would look good spinning as it moved round.
In Early Years they did some experiments linked to the theme of 'Space', they made a bubbling Planet and investigated making imprints into flour to recreate the Moons' surface and how it has craters in it from asteroids and even the footprints from Neil Armstrong!
The colder weather was the perfect opportunity to do some investigating around water and how it freezes and becomes ice in Early Years. The children went on a walk to collect some things that they could pop on the tray to try and freeze and then they filled the tray with water. The next day they found after the freezing temperatures it had completely frozen. The children talked about how it was originally a liquid and had become a solid. They really enjoyed trying to free the objects. 
In Early Years as part of their topic on 'Animals and our Planet' they have been learning about climate change and how using fossil fuels is heating our Earth up. They did an experiment where they made their own Earth on bread using food colouring, mixed with milk. They then popped them in the toaster to see what happened when they got heated up. You could see where the Earth was getting warmer on the edges where we hadn’t used the food colouring and milk. Afterwards the children enjoyed eating it! What a fab and fun experiment.
As part of Science week 2023 we welcomed Professor Wiggy from Science Boffins into school. We had a whole school assembly as well as a workshop for each class. Early years and Class 1 did workshops on 'Fabulous flames' and classes 2 and 3 workshops were 'Incredible illusions.'
As part of STEM week 2024 we were kindly joined by a parent who did some fantastic Tinkercad work with the children in Key Stage 2.