Additional support for - Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar
In addition to the daily tasks on Oak National Academy or outlines on your class timetable please read:
While your child is off please continue to hear your child read daily and record this on either Class Dojo or Tapestry.
In EY please see Tapestry for specific phonics and Literacy challenges. You will also have sound flashcards and green/red word cards to practise daily.
In Class 1 you will have been sent home Phonics Activities and/ or flashcards.
In Class 2 and 3 there will be CGP Reading Comprehension Workbooks sent home for your child to complete.
If your child already quizzes on Accelerated Reader please ensure they are able to continue to do this.
You can access a range of free ebooks on the oxford owl website.
In Years 1-6 we subscribe to Sumdog for Spelling and Grammar.
In Year 1 and 2 we follow Read Write Inc for Phonics. You will have flashcards / activities to follow.
In Years 2-6 we also follow Read Write Inc for Spellings and your child will have their appropriate workbook sent to their home.
Please also find attached in this section the common word lists for spellings from Y1-Y6.
You may also like to access free Read, Write, Inc ebooks on the 'oxford owl' website by logging in with your class log in. This will be made available by your class teacher. If you are unsure which book level they should be reading, ask your class teacher.
Further to this, you may wish to use some of the following games or online resources -
'Teach your monster to read' - A phonics game aimed at Reception and Class1 level children who are still learning phonics. Accessed on a computer/laptop for free or as a paid for App on an Ipad. - This is a useful initial sound game suitable for Reception age children. - An online Read, Write, Inc booklet to help your child practise their letter formation/handwriting of Set 1 sounds (Reception) - An online, Read, Write, Inc booklet to help your child practise their letter formation/handwriting of Set 2 sounds (Year1/2) - An online game to match reading simple words with pictures (Reception)
Please see attached longer writing activities for KS 2 (more to be added).
At school in KS 1 and 2 we follow Hamilton Trust -
The learning at home packs are also very good.
Another good resource is
You may find this section of our website helpful too
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.
Belinda Athey - Temporary English co-ordinator.