Class One (Year 1 and 2) 2024-2025

Welcome to Class One!
We are a mixed year 1 and year 2 class. Class One are taught by Miss Lazenby and supported by Mrs Lewis!
PSHE - Autumn 1
We started our learning this term by thinking about the Zones of regulation. We started by looking at the green zone and the different feelings and emotions related to this zone - happy, proud, focused and calm. We enjoyed showing all the different faces for the emotions and feelings. 
Maths - Autumn 1
We have got off to a great start with our Maths this half term. We are learning about place value in year 2 and numbers to 20 in year 1. We had great fun using lots of different resources to show how we can represent numbers. 
Choosing our Class book
In Class One we like to read books together. We had a choice of two different books and decided to have a vote. We used cubes to vote for the books we would like to read together. Our winning book for this half term is Fantastic Mr. Fox. 
Computing - Autumn 1
Our computing topic for this half term is looking at technology around us. We started our learning by checking our understanding of what we mean by the word technology. We were brilliant at sorting some objects in the correct place in the table - technology and not technology. 
PE - Autumn 1
We really enjoyed our first PE lesson this week. We were exploring balance, stability and landing safely. 
Year 1 Maths - Autumn 1
In Maths today, we have been exploring the number 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. We worked with our partners to show all the different ways we could represent these numbers and even worked on saying how many tens and how many ones in each number. 
History - Autumn 1
This week in History, we have been exploring gas masks. We have been learning about how everyone needed to wear these when the gas bombs were dropped and how the children needed to practise putting these on just like we do when we have a fire drill.