SEND Important Information

Our Local SEND contact is Sam Barron. We also work with Mike Findlay and Suzanne Connelly and their colleagues.
The link to Northumberland County Council SEND Local Offer information  can be copied and pasted into your search bar and is 
The SEND Co-ordinator in school is - Belinda Athey.
Provision for children with SEND is the responsibility of the whole school and we expect every member of staff accepts and embraces this responsibility.Class teachers are responsible for the teaching, learning and progress of all pupils in their class, including those with SEND and who are also supported by specialist staff. We recognise the need to work in partnership with parents and value the contribution parents make to their child’s education. Children also contribute their views on the provision provided. We recognise the individuality of each child and strive to help them to achieve their full potential. Every child is valued regardless of race, culture or religious beliefs and whatever their abilities or needs. All children have the ability to learn and progress and we work to provide an environment where all children are valued, their potential nurtured and their achievements celebrated.
Liaison with parents plays an important part in the process for meeting children’s Special Educational Needs. We value the help and support that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have had previously or during their time with us. Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child, they should discuss them with the class teacher. If there continues to be a concern then this should be brought to the attention of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Belinda Athey..
Autumn Term 2022.
We are currently updating our Accessibility Plan during Autumn Term and this will be completed by Spring Term Governors Meeting at the Spring Term Full Governing Body Meeting. A draft copy is available in the meantime upon request