Class Three (Year 5 and 6) Class Page 2023-2024

Welcome to Class 3's webpage!
Here, you you will find examples of our learning and events as we go through the academic year.
Class 3 are taught by our Deputy Headteacher, Mr Charlton, and are also supported by Mrs Lewis and Mrs Chisholm at certain points during the week.
Y5/6 football tournament
On the 9th November, our 8-person squad of our football team represented the school at the Y5/6 football competition. The boys showed a great level of determination and, despite facing some very good competition, came 5th in the tournament. We look forward to having some more matches very soon.
Air Ambulance charity
Several members of Class 3 are part of Rota Kids and helped to organise and then load all the clothes donations that came into school to help support the Air Ambulance charities. They did a great job and thank you to our families and community for all the donations that came in!
The 3 Rs
As part of our class focus in our first PSHE lessons, we revisited the principles of our school ethos, honing in on the 3 Rs: resilience, respect & responsible. We thought how we show these qualities in our day-to-day lives, some of which we then caught on camera too. 
This terms we are learning to calculate fractions of amounts, writing fractions as decimals order decimals, problem solve with fractions, identify percentages and write fractions and decimals  as a percentage. 
Our author of interest this term is Rick Riordan and much of our English focus will be on the book Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief, even for designing and advertising a new pair of shoes!

Multi skills county finals -January 
We are super proud of ourselves for achieving county finals !
Our RE trip to both the Newcastle Hindu Temple and Newcastle Cathedral was excellent. The children had a brilliant immersive experience in both venues learning lots and thoroughly enjoying their day!
We were very grateful to Lauren, who came into school to work with Class 3 on using CAD software. This just so happened to tie in with both International Women's Day and STEM Week too! The children did really well and learnt a lot about design and testing using computers.
Rota Kids 
Forest School 
Team building skills - We’ve been having fun doing  activities to develop our problem & reasoning skills, showing respect and resilience and expanding our communication skills. 
Child led Worship 
Our Planet 
The children shared today the importance of our planet. How can we make changes to protect the planet and  support the environment? 
Child Led Worship 
Resilience, Respect, Responsibility. 
Class 3 took part in an intra cricket festival.