School Closure Activities

Week Beginning 13th June

Hi Class Three!

So it's the final week of term before the holiday and I would just like to say how proud I am of you all! I know it's been a very strange school year but we have made it to the summer. I am having a lovely time with year 6 and year 5 I am really looking forward to seeing you all after the summer!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I know you will all be looking forward to the rest but for those of you who would like to continue your learning over the summer I have added lots of links below.

For this week please continue to access Sumdog each day - Mrs Athey is checking! I'd like you to complete your big writes on the theme of 'Holiday' this week! I look forward to reading them!

This week is also World Emoji Day (17th July) - have a go at designing your own emoji!

Sending love to you all! Xx

If you love science, the Children’s University of Manchester website is an excellent interactive resource in which you can browse a number of different science topics which have a quiz at the end of each unit.
Message from Mrs Athey.
Hi Class 3. Hope you are all keeping well.
Please don’t forget to:
Go on Sumdog- Maths, Spelling and Grammar each day for a good period of time. ( I am checking!).
Access the Thrive Activities ( if you wish) which I put on the news page of the school website each week.
If you would like to further what you are doing. Please follow this link. 

Looking forward to seeing the Year 6’s on Monday and Year 5 in September.

Take Care,

Mrs Athey. 


Week Beginning 29th June

Good morning everyone! Here we go for another week...

So far the feedback I have had from the Hamilton Trust learning packs has been really positive so please can we keep these going again this week - week 10 (Downloaded below).

Please remember to complete your Whittingham Show entries and get them to me by Friday this week. 

For your Big Writes this week I would like you to write about the things you miss most during Lockdown. 

Have a good week everyone - Year 6 I CAN'T WAIT to see you next week!!

Take care!

Mrs F Xx

Week Beginning 22nd June

Good Morning everyone! I know some of you are finding the BBC Bitesize activities too easy and you are getting a bit bored of the same activities every day, so I thought it might be nice to try something different this week!

This page is free to access - you just scroll down to find your year group in Maths or English and select week 9. I have also downloaded and saved the packs below.

Remember please that Mrs Athey would like you to complete Sumdog Maths, Grammar and Spelling each day too. 

REMINDER YEAR 6: Please send your favourite memory/goodbye message to me as soon as possible!

Have a good week everyone - let me know your thoughts on the Hamilton learning packs please!

Mrs F Xx

Week Beginning 15th June

Good Morning Class Three!

Another week begins...

Remember - you should be completing a MAXIMUM of 1 hour English and 1 hour Maths each day (plus any other areas of learning). You don't need to try to do everything I have set! I have uploaded lots of different activities so you can try different things each day, as doing the same things every day can get boring.

Remember to get on Sumdog (Maths and Spelling and Grammar) each day too - Mrs Athey is giving out coin rewards to people who are on there regularly! 

I have suggested in my youtube video that you may want to write about our new class pets in your Big Write this week. Thank you to everyone who sent writing in last week - it was lovely to read them!

Don't forget to complete your Whittingham Show entries too! They need to be left in the box with the blue lid that is at the school gates please.

I have also added the link to the Summer Reading Challenge to inspire you with some great books that you may not have read before!

Mrs Athey has also sent some great Thrive activities for you to try.

As always, if there is anything you need - just send me an email!

Take care everyone!

Mrs F Xx

Week Beginning 8th June

I hope everyone is well! As we begin another week I would like you to please continue to complete reading, BBC Bitesize Daily activities for Maths, English and one other subject and 5 a day maths each day please.


I would also like you to complete at least one Big Write task each week please. (More if you can!) This can be any writing genre you like, but I have added a selection of Writing Prompt ideas below to help inspire you!


Please remember that you can submit entries for the Whittingham Show by leaving them in the box at the school gate. I need entries by Friday 3rd July please. These are the categories... (You need to add the category number, along with your name, age and school to the back of each entry please!)


Have a lovely week everyone and remember you can email me any time if you need anything!

Mrs F Xx

Week Beginning 1st June

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a lovely half term and have been making the most of the beautiful sunshine! 

This week I would like you to continue with the 5 a Day Maths, BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons for English, Maths and one other subject and also daily reading. 

Also, please keep an eye on emails this week, as Mr Durie has been in touch about the Whittingham Show, although it isn't going ahead they are still happy for us to submit entries to the children's competitions and prizes will still be given out. I thought you could complete these at home and return them to me in school and I will get them to Mr Durie. Parent emails should be out soon!

As always, please email me if there's anything you need! 

Sending lots of love,

Mrs Fletcher x

Class Three 26-05  

Happy Half Term everyone!

Hope you all have a lovely week off! Thank you to everyone who has sent me their home learning projects - I have loved watching your fab lessons and have learned a lot from you all. If anyone else is struggling to send them to me, I think a lot of you found it easier to WhatsApp them. You should all have my number now but if not you can email me and I will send it to you. 

Enjoy the lovely weather and I will be back in touch next week.

Sending you all lots of love,

Mrs Fletcher :-)

Week Beginning 18th May

Hi Everyone! I hope you are all well! 

Another week in lock down begins... I am really missing you all at school. Please continue to access BBC Bitesize each day and complete the 3 daily tasks, as well as your homework books. I have also uploaded lots of extra work below and there are lots of activities on School360/Sumdog if you need more work to keep you busy!

Remember your 'teach me project' needs to be recorded and sent to me by Friday this week please. If you can email it that would be great, or your parents now have my mobile number so you can Whatsapp me if that is easier. I can't wait to watch your videos and learn lots of new things!

I will be making calls home later in the week but remember you can email me any time. 

Sending love to you all!

Mrs Fletcher Xx

Beginning 11th May

Hi Everyone! I hope you are all well and you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend! It was lovely to chat with some of you last week, and I am very excited to see your projects - there are some great topic choices! Please continue to work on these and get them recorded and emailed to me by Friday 22nd.

This week please continue with the BBC Bitesize learning activities each day.

If you are looking for some inspiration for Art/DT activities - here is a great 30 day challenge I thought you might like -

I also had a request for some French activities, I would suggest - or

Remember if there is anything you need you can email me any time!

Sending love to you all!

Mrs F :-)

Week Beginning 4th May

Please continue to access BBC Bitesize every day for English and Maths activities.

For your next home learning project I’d like YOU to become the teacher! You can choose ANYTHING you are interested in – a hobby, a musician/singer, football team, pet… anything!! This is a great chance for me to learn something really interesting about you - so get creative! I’d like you to research the topic in detail and then create a script for your lesson. You can add props, pictures, anything you think would be helpful. You should then practise, practise, practise reading it out loud clearly – get your family to be your audience. When you are happy your lesson is the best it can be, then you should ask someone to record you (on a phone would be easiest) and then email it to me so I can be your pupil and learn something new!

Take your time and make it detailed and interesting – if you could send them to me by Friday 22nd May that would be great!

Hope you have fun! I can’t wait to see your faces - my little teachers in training!

Mrs F x

Week Beginning 27th April

Don't forget your Women in History research projects should be sent to me by Friday.

Please continue to complete the daily Maths and English activities on BBC Bitesize this week.

If you are looking for other things to keep you busy this week...

School360 have launched a design competition. The theme this year is 'Around The World' The templates and launch video can all be found HERE and are also in resources in School360 so you can search 'design competition' and find them. The templates aren't essential - whatever you have to hand at home can be used. 

They are also running a Scratch challenge - the first is already available in the resources section of School360.

Remember if you need anything you can email me any time and I will be making calls home again throughout the week.

Mrs F :-)

Week Beginning 20th April

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and are keeping safe at home! As you know, I have already set your research project, which I hope you are enjoying! These can be continued until the end of the month. I know some of you have sent them to me already - well done!

Please access each day. Here you will find an English, a Maths and an extra activity (History, Geography, Science, Music, etc) to do every day. All you need to do is click on your year group and they are there ready to go!

I will be posting activities on School360 regularly but if you need anything please email me! 

Sending love to you all!

Mrs F x

Monday 30th March
Well done to everyone who has logged in to School360 regularly in our first week at home. Please make sure you do this daily, as I will be setting extra tasks and posting messages on the message board.
There have been some fantastic LEGO competition entries so far! The 30 day challenge is below if you are up for the challenge!
As well as the usual English and Maths activities, I would like to set you a research task, which you can add to throughout your time at home. You can make it on school360 and save it to your pupil file for me to view, or if you have Word or Powerpoint this can be emailed to me directly when you are finished. 
I would like you to research the changes in the roles and rights of women from ancient times to today.
You can present this in any way you would like but you might want to include:
-       Traditional roles of women in the past. (Rich and poor)

-       Victorian Women (Margaret Hughes)

-       How the Industrial Revolution changed the role of women.

-       The beginnings of feminism – fighting allocated roles.

-       The Suffragettes – fighting for the right to vote.

-       Women in War

-       Women in the 1950s

-       Second-wave feminism – changes to law for women’s pay, education and work.

-       Women today.


I am really looking forward to reading your research! Please complete by Friday 1st May

Children should complete an English and a Maths activity each day.

Class Three Pupils - please spend AT LEAST half an hour reading every day.

  1. Keep working through homework books – 1 Maths (Section A, B or C) and 1 English (one page of your book) activity to be completed each day. 
  2. 5 A DAY MATHS - Complete your choice of Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum from the website each day. Complete these activities in the books you have taken home. (See link below.)
  3. Go on to Sumdog and work on a Maths and English activity each day.
  4. I will set tasks on School360 regularly.
  5. Keep an eye on this page, as I will set other learning tasks such as history, geography and science.
Please access the links below to a range of tasks if you are looking for other work to keep you busy!
Stay safe and try to have as much fun as possible! Be creative, do some crafts, bake some tasty treats, get out for lots of fresh air and enjoy spending time with your family!
I will be in school, missing you all!
Take care everyone! I am so proud of you!
Mrs Fletcher x
Online educational publishers, Twinkl, have offered parents free access to all its resources for a month to support continued learning at home. All you need to do is enter UKTWINKLHELPS to get started.
A range of free worksheets for Science.
BBC Bitesize is an excellent online resource that provides students help with revision and learning. Here you will find a number of free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject on every subject for students aged from three to 16 and over.