Monday 1st March 2021
Year 3 Home Learning 
Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English - Lesson guide attached below for the week.
I can answer questions about a text.

Read the first week of Diary of a Lively Labrador (attached).

Answer the following questions:

What is a diary? Why do people keep diaries?


Diaries are normally recounts of things which have happened to someone. Diaries can give a real insight to lives of people who lived at different times and through different experiences.

As you read, look at the use of speech marks. Remember in writing this is how we show the actual words spoken.

Highlight the use of speech marks in the text you have read so far.


Think about where Mouse agrees to think about how to solve dog’s bouncing problem.

Answer the questions:

How do you think dog felt about mouse’s idea?

How do you know?

Can you jot down some possible solutions to the problem?  


Extension: Read week 2 of Diary of a Lively Labrador.



Spelling rule: adding the prefix re-

Speed spell words:  redo, rewrite, replay, rebuild, rearrange, reappear.  

Lesson objective: I can understand how the Anglo-Saxons influenced Britain by explaining some of the place names and their meanings. 
Follow the Powerpoint to recap the Kingdoms we looked at last week and discover the meanings behind the names. Use the vocabulary sheet and powerpoint to help you fill in the activity sheets.
Tuesday 2nd March 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English - I can create a character profile.

Today you are going to begin to plan your own diary entry as an animal.

Have a think about what animal you might like to write your diary as. You might want to base it on one of your pets at home, or just on an animal you are interested in.

Brainstorm some adjectives that could go in front of your animals’ name and try to use alliteration (just like the Diary of a Lively Labrador).

Write a character profile on your animal using the subheadings or use the attached template.

  •        Likes
  •        Dislikes
  •        Talents
  •        Other information
Try to use first person and really put yourself into the shoes of your animal! If you would like to add more subheadings and detail about your animal that’s great! You can also draw a picture on your character profile.


Spelling rule: adding the prefix re-


PHSE - Yes! It’s our world, our wonderful world! Lesson 2
Wednesday 3rd March 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Apply your knowledge of equivalent fractions from yesterday and use the fraction wall to help you today. 
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English -  I can plan a diary entry.

Read through the Powerpoint about Recounts and think about which aspects are relevant to a diary.


Diaries are a personal recount written in the first person. They are written in chronological order and often in past tense about events which have already happened. Diaries use lots of language to demonstrate the passing of time (today, when, then, after a while, later that day etc).


Today you are going to plan your animals’ diary using the attached planning sheet or drawing out your own planning sheet.

You need to think about what events are going to happen – your diary will be more interesting if there is a problem.

What is the problem going to be? How will it be resolved?

Your diary plan must be written in the first person and presented in chronological order.

Extension: Read over your plan and check you have tried to include time connectives, conjunctions and fronted adverbials.



Special focus: homophones



Lesson objective: I can group rocks based on their properties.

Watch Powerpoint on grouping rocks and their properties. We won't have any examples of rocks, so you will need to look at the types of rocks (e.g. chalk) from last week, and do some research into whether they are permeable etc.  Complete task sheets alongside - year 4 please use the trickier task sheet. Use the powerpoint alongside as you complete your task to support you.

Thursday 4th March 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Use your knowledge of fractions from Year 2 to help you with this recap today. 
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English - I can write a diary entry.

Have a look at the joining words poster and remind yourself how we use conjunctions to make our sentences longer and more complex.


E.g. This sentence from the Diary of a Killer Cat  “All Tuffy did was bring Thumper back” could be made more complex by adding a conjunction “All Tuffy did was bring Thumper back so we could make sure that he was buried again”


Write 2 sentences as your animal, using first person and conjunctions to make your sentences more complex and interesting.


You are going to write the first few days of your diary entry today. I would like you to try and include

  •        Time connectives
  •        First person
  •        Past tense
  •        Conjunctions/complex sentences
  •        Fronted adverbials
  •        Adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
  •        Punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas, paragraphs, speech marks, exclamation marks)


Work at your own pace but remember the importance of your presentation and be proud of your work.

Use your planning to help you write the events of each day and keep referring to the conjunctions poster and word mats to help you.



Spelling rule: adding the prefix anti-

Speed spell words: anticlockwise, antiseptic, antisocial, antifreeze, antibiotic, anticlimax. 



Based on some of the Anglo-saxon jewellery you looked and and sketched last week, see if you can have a go at designing and colouring your own, labelling with different materials you would use.


Friday 5th March 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English - I can write a diary entry.

Read through your first couple of days diary that you wrote yesterday.

Double check you have included the following

  •        Time connectives
  •        First person
  •        Past tense
  •        Conjunctions/complex sentences
  •        Fronted adverbials
  •        Adjectives and verbs
  •        Punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas, paragraphs, speech marks, exclamation marks)

If you have picked out any mistakes or can correct any of your work so far, do so in blue pen.

Underline any adjectives, adverbs and verbs you have included neatly in a coloured pencil.


If you have any shorter sentences, is there a way you can add a conjunction and make them a little longer (remember, only one conjunction per sentence though!).


Continue writing your diary and try to finish this today. Remember to follow your plan so you have an idea what to write as you go and include the features from the check list above. Remember to proof read AS you write so you are picking up any grammatical errors straight away.

Extension: Self mark and assess against the checklist. Add illustrations to your diary.  



Spelling rule: adding the prefix anti-




Lesson 2 Christianity with Oak Hall Academy  


PE - Lesson 3

Extra Resources

Please try and complete 1 – 2 reading comprehensions a week at your chosen level (1, 2 or 3 stars indicated at the bottom left of the pages)


Have a go at the extra maths problems for some extra maths practise and keep practising your times tables.


For reading books online please use: using your child’s accelerated reader log in.


To try some languages while you are at home try:  


Please learn your spellings every week and get your parent or carer to give you a test on a Friday!


Extra PE lessons:


Big Sing 

We will be taking part in the Big Sing Big Sign for sign language week, to promote awareness for issues effecting sign language users in the UK. If you would like your child to take part and have any videos of your child, please send these to school. The songs to learn can be found here