Please check the bottom of the page for extra learning resources for the week.
Monday 8th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Message from Miss Donkin - Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Sheets/answer sheets below.
English - Lesson guide attached below for the week.
Lesson objective: I can edit and improve my work.

Lesson outline: Have a look at the version of the Icarus story you wrote on Friday. Look at it one paragraph at a time. As you read, think about what punctuation and grammar you have used, have you used any of the following?

  •         Full stops
  •         Capital letters
  •         Commas
  •         Speech marks
  •         Paragraphs
  •         Fronted adverbials
  •         Conjunctions
  •         Time connectives

If not, could you edit and improve your work and make sure you’ve used at least 5 of the features listed above. Have you identified any spelling mistakes? You can use a dictionary to check these. Could you improve the language you have used? You can always use a thesaurus (online version too!) to look up synonyms of words you’ve used so that you can make your language even better! Have a look at my example of editing and improving.

Task: Using blue pen, edit and improve your writing from Friday. Make sure you include at least 5 of the punctuation and grammar from the list above and check your spellings.

Extension: select 4 sentences from your work from Friday and completely re write them, improving them as much as you can in terms of language, grammar, punctuation and spelling.  



RWI spelling Unit 7. Our spelling rule this week is thinking about words with the 'c' sound spelt 'ch' 

Your 6 speed spell words are: 

a. character    b. chaos    c. chemist    d. chorus    e. school    f. echo

Please complete the attached spelling booklet page. 

For our final lesson, we are going to look at an aerial photograph of Alnmouth. Alnmouth is a local village where the river Aln reaches the North Sea which some of you found out last lesson!
I would like you to draw a sketch map of this aerial photograph. You will have to make a key to show what symbols you have used, for example, you may use squares for the houses. You may use different colours on your key e.g. blue is water (river/ocean), yellow for the beach etc, it's up to you, as long as your key is nice and clear for anyone who would want to look at your sketch map. I have attached a sketch map checklist, see if you can include everything on it!
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning
Message from Miss Donkin - Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Use your learning from yesterday's lesson to help you with perimeter word problems.
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can plan my ideas for writing.

Lesson outline: Can you remember the story off by heart? See if you can have a practise reciting your first paragraph from memory. Read through your final draft after your editing yesterday to jog your memory. Today we are going to make a story board or a story map to help us remember the story.

Task: Create a story board or story map with small sketches of parts of the story following your writing from Friday on the story of Icarus. This should help you learn the story off by heart. There is an example of a story map started below, or you can use the story board template.

Extension: See if you can remember the story and recite it to someone at home.



RWI spelling Unit 7. Our spelling rule this week is thinking about words with the 'c' sound spelt 'ch' 

Please complete the attached spelling booklet page. 



Safer Internet Day

Have a look at the powerpoint about safer internet day and have a go at some of the resources.


Please complete the session

Wednesday 10th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Message from Miss Donkin - Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Recap: I would like you to practise your column addition and subtraction formal methods which we learned before Christmas.
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can write longer sentences.

Lesson outline: Look at the attached resource about conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions. We can make our sentences longer using these joining words. Choose 2 or 3 simple sentences from your Icarus writing on Friday, can you use a conjunction, adverb or preposition to make your sentence longer? To help with writing a complex sentence, we need to think about how, when, where or why something happened. You can connect sentences using words such as; when, before, after, while, because, next, so, soon and during.

Look at the story of Perseus

God gave Perseus some magic weapons

  •         Feathered shoes from Hermes
  •         A bright shield from Athene
  •         A helmet of invisibility and a bag from Pluto.

Task: Write complex sentences including conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs about the gifts that Perseus was given. Use the word bank to help you. Underline the conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs in your sentence in a coloured pencil.



RWI spelling Unit 7. Our spelling rule this week is thinking about words with the 'c' sound spelt 'ch' 

Please complete the attached spelling booklet page. 



For Science this week, I would like you to complete lesson 6 of the Forces block from Oak National Academy.

Thursday 11th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Message from Miss Donkin - Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Recap: I would like you to recap multiplication and division from last term. Remember how we can use our times tables to help us with divisions!
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can explore the Greek suffix –logy

Lesson outline: Today we are going to look at adding the suffix –logy. Almost all of the words where you add this suffix, have an ‘o’ added before the suffix. Try and remember this rule. Have a look at the resource or this website to help

Have a look at reading the list of nouns, and underline the ‘-logy’ in each word.

Task: Look at the resource for words ending in –ology. Choose a number of words which interest you, copy and learn them. You can also copy the definition using careful (joined if you can) handwriting. You could draw mini illustrations next to your definitions to help you remember what they mean!



RWI spelling Unit 8. Our spelling rule this week is thinking about words with the 'sh' sound spelt 'ch'

Your 6 speed spell words are

a. chef    b. chute    c. machine    d. brochure    e. parachute    d. chalet 

Please complete the attached booklet page. 



For our final landscape art lesson I would like you to again, research famous landscape artists and choose an image you like. You can either copy this or do your own landscape in the same style with materials available to you. 

Friday 12th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Message from Miss Donkin - Remember to sign in for Class registration at 9am!
Daily reading and quizzing 
Morning exercise (suggestions: Joe Wicks, daily mile)
Recap: continuing to recap division from last term/division with remainders from this term.
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can learn about magic objects used in Greek myths.

Lesson outline: Today you are going to look at the magic objects used in Greek myths, including the 3 that helped Perseus on his quest to kill Medusa. Read through the list of objects and what they do. Many stories use objects with special powers. Think of some examples of your own if you can, for example, the wands in Harry Potter.

Task: Listen to the story of Perseus

Could you design your own magical weapon? See if you can annotate your work with adjectives to describe your design.

Extension: Do you prefer listening to a story or reading it?  Write a sentence explaining why.



RWI spelling Unit 8. Our spelling rule this week is thinking about words with the 'sh' sound spelt 'ch'

Please complete the attached booklet page. 



I would like you to complete lesson 5 of the Islam block on Oak National Academy.



Please complete the session

Extra Resources

Please try and complete 1 – 2 reading comprehensions a week at your chosen level (1, 2 or 3 stars indicated at the bottom left of the pages)


Please complete the grammar sheet every week if you can.


Have a go at the extra maths problems for some extra maths practise and keep practising your times tables.


For reading books online please use: using your child’s accelerated reader log in.


To try some languages while you are at home try:  


Please learn your spellings every week and get your parent or carer to give you a test on a Friday!


Extra PE lessons:


Lets count census:,18R18,74WEE5,4GXCM,1