Please check the bottom of the page for extra learning resources for the week!
Monday 1st February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Message from Miss Donkin -
Use your knowledge of converting measurements from last week to help with comparing measurements today!

Sheet/answer sheet below.


For English this and next we are going to be looking at the work we should have been covering in school all about Greek myths and legends. You should be very good at this as we covered some of this last term in our Greeks topic! 

Attached below is the lesson objectives, outline and task for each day this week and any supporting documents. Please follow the lesson each day and complete the task. 

Lesson objective: I can read and share my opinion of a Greek Myth.
First, have a think about some Greek Myths we looked at last term in our History lessons. I’d like you to write a sentence explaining why you think people still read and tell the stories of Greek Myths today.
Watch the video retelling the Greek Myth “Pandora’s Box”.
This is a creation myth, and most cultures have similar myths which explain how the earth/animals/people came to be. Have a think about the story.
Task: Fill in the attached sheet to answer some questions about this story.  


Continuing our studies for rivers, this week we are going to look at some local rivers. Use Google earth or local maps to explore your local area. Are there any rivers near to where you live? Which is the biggest river local to you? I’d like you to take note of the nearest river to you, and see if you can find out some more information – where is the source? In what area does the river join the sea? What towns does the river flow through? Does it join any other rivers? Take some notes answering these questions from what you find.

Have a look at the getting to grips with grid references Powerpoint and treasure map activity sheet. If you have a paper map of the local area, you can also have a look at the grid reference for where you live.


Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning
Use your knowledge of adding to help you today. You will need to keep in mind your measurement conversions (100cm = 1m, 10mm = 1cm) 
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can explore Greek names and spellings.

Have a think about if you know any other Greek myths. Have a look at the attached sheet of Greek names and see if you can have a try reading some! If you find this tricky, try breaking the words into syllables and try out different ways you could pronounce them.

Have a look at the video of the Greek myth “Daedalus and Icarus” - do you feel after watching this?

Task: Have another look at the list of Greek names. Do you notice anything about the endings? Underline names which end in ‘a’ in red, ‘us’ in blue, ‘o’ in green and ‘e’ in orange. Write a few sentences about what you notice.



Please complete the oxford owl first activity 'sounds the same' using our class log in (sent via dojo) for Read Write Inc spellings.


Please follow the link to Oak National Academy PHSE lessons and complete lesson 5.


Wednesday 3rd February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Today, apply your knowledge of subtraction to help you. You will need to keep in mind your measurement conversions (100cm = 1m, 10mm = 1cm) 
Sheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can list the events of a Greek myth.

First, start off listening again to the story Daedalus and Icarus:

Task: write down a list of the main events in the story. Why may this story have changed over time? (To help you answer this question, think back to when we looked at folktales) There are lots of different versions of Greek myths.

Look at the attached story of Icarus. There is a longer, or a shorter version.

Read this aloud to yourself or someone else. Try to read clearly with a good tone and volume, try not to rush. Have a think about any new vocabulary in the story that you haven’t heard before. Note down 5 examples of vocabulary which you think is particularly expressive.

Task: list the main events of the story of Icarus. 



For Science this week, I would like you to complete lesson 5 of the Forces block from Oak National Academy.

Thursday 4th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
If you can please watch this live lesson at 11am all about equality, representation and census
An introduction to perimeter.
Watch the videos and see if you can have a go at the worksheet below.
Lesson objective: I can use powerful verbs.
What are verbs? See if you can remember the correct definition for a verb. We can recognise a verb by its tense or if it has a subject.
Look at the story you read yesterday; can you identify any powerful verbs in the story? Note them down. Powerful verbs are used to be descriptive and make a sentence more interesting.
Task: read through the sentences on the attached sheet and identify the powerful verbs. Extension: use a thesaurus (or online thesaurus) to find some synonyms for some powerful verbs and use these in sentences. 


Please complete the oxford owl second activity 'swap, double or drop' using our class log in (sent via dojo) for Read Write Inc spellings.



This week I am setting a photography challenge. Go out on your daily exercise and see if you can take some nice landscape pictures. This could be of fields, rivers, woods, whatever is around you! Pick one of your favourites and re create it using materials available to you!

Friday 5th February 2021 
Year 3 Home Learning 
Worksheet/answer sheet below.

Lesson objective: I can re write the story of Icarus.

Task: today you are going to re write the story of Icarus which you read on Wednesday. You are going to write a short paragraph for each sentence you used to summarise the story, so you will need to write in greater detail. You can draw some sketches alongside your paragraphs to illustrate your story, see example attached. See if you can begin to learn your version of the story by heart!



I would like you to complete lesson 4 of the Islam block on Oak National Academy.

Extra Resources

Please try and complete 1 – 2 reading comprehensions a week at your chosen level (1, 2 or 3 stars indicated at the bottom left of the pages)


Please complete the grammar sheet every week if you can.


Have a go at the extra maths problems for some extra maths practise and keep practising your times tables.


For reading books online please use: using your child’s accelerated reader log in.


To try some languages while you are at home try:  


Please learn your spellings every week and get your parent or carer to give you a test on a Friday!


Extra PE lessons: