Year 2 Home Learning - Week 6 ( 8.2.21)

Monday 8th February 2021
Whole School Monday Motivation Message from Mrs Athey-
Message to Class 1 from Mrs Athey -  Good Morning Everyone! Message from Mrs Athey.
Daily Exercise - either activity of your choice or why not try 
Dance Fitness with Molly from Active Northumberland!!! Can you follow the instructions better than Mrs Athey? ( This also fits in with our PSHE work this week)
Daily Reading - Don't forget to log onto MyOn for an exciting new book. Make sure you quiz on it when you have finished.
Maths work with Miss Trafford - 
Practical activity - Pictograms
Following that I would like you to do 1 x 10 minute activity on your maths CGP book and 10 minutes of Sumdog Maths. 
English work with Miss Trafford -
English - 
Reading a text about wombats then answering comprehension questions. 
Spelling - 
Words using the or sound spelt a before l and ll 
Please complete the 'speed spell' area of the worksheet below.
speed spell words;
all, hall, also, almost, always, already.
Following that, if you have time and still keen to learn I would like you to do 1 x 10 minute activity on your English CGP book and 10 minutes of Sumdog Spellings - I have set a spelling activity with  26 of the words from the Year 1 and 2 Spelling list for you to try.
Image result for new curriculum spelling list for year 1 and 2

Afternoon lessons - 

PSHE - Healthy Lifestyles (Physical Health and Wellbeing)  -Being Healthy -

Talk to your grown up about what you think keeping healthy means. ( You can watch this clip too if you wish -

Can you think of different ways to keep healthy?

Make a poster which encourages people to keep fit and healthy? ( Remember to include healthy foods and exercise). Here are some examples:

Image result for being healthy poster for kids       

The Importance of 5 A Day - 

5 A Day with Barnaby Bear song  -

Final PSHE task - Plan to  help your grown up to make a healthy lunch or evening meal( which has some of you 5 a day) this week. Take a photo of your meal and send it to me on Class Dojo.

PE - 
You might like to continue with our Chance to Shine Cricket sessions -
Lesson 4  - Brilliant Bowler
OR - Dance to the song 'Confident' or carry our Dance Fitness with Molly if you didn't do it this morning.
OR A physical activity of your choice.
RE and Worship
As a school we are currently working on Christian Aid Global Leaders Award. A new tool for children to find out about the work of Christian Aid in an interactive way is - Click on any country with a red circle to find out more.
Other activities you may like to do ( at any time):
Join Duolingo and learn Spanish in my After School Club. I am still waiting for someone from Class 1 to join in! 5 Class Dojo points awarded to everyone who registers this week!
Create a design for our new school playground. I have designs from nearly everyone. Just the last few remaining as I would love for our new playground to be designed and completed for just after the Easter Holidays.
E Safety - 

SMART with a heart  e safety topic - Keep going - we should be on letters R and T by now.

May be an image of text that says

Tuesday 9th February 

Morning message from Miss Trafford -

Maths -

White rose lesson - Draw pictograms (2,5 and 10)

Please follow this link to access the lesson -

English - 

Hamilton trust lesson - Diary of a Wombat (lesson 2)

Please see the lesson resources below.

Spelling (15 mins) -

Please complete the ‘spelling zone’ section of the worksheet (saved under Monday)

Handwriting - 

Practising writing the joined ‘oa’

Worksheet added below.


Discuss the explorers that you have learnt so far. Think particularly about Matthew Henson and Felicity Aston. Today we are going to compare what they wore when they went travelling. 

Watch this video to learn more about the clothes that these explorers wore -

Now, please fill in the History worksheet below. If you were going on an expedition to the Arctic in 1902 what would you pack? Please draw and label your ideas.

Wednesday 10th February 

Morning message from Miss Trafford -

Maths -

White rose lesson -

Please follow this link to access the lesson - Interpret pictograms (2’s, 5’s and 10’s)


Hamilton trust lesson - Diary of a Wombat (lesson 3)

Please see the lesson resources below.

Spelling (15 mins) -

Please complete the dots and dashes worksheet (saved below)

Science -

Oak academy lesson  - What kind of scientist's study space?

Please click this link to access the video -

Thursday 11th February

Morning message from Miss Trafford -

Maths -

White rose lesson - Block diagrams

Please follow this link to access the lesson -

English -

Hamilton trust - Diary of a Wombat (lesson 4)

Please see the lesson resources below.

Spelling (15 mins) - 

Please complete the word changers area of the worksheet below. 

Handwriting - 

Practising writing the joined ‘oa’ in words and sentences.

Worksheet added below.

Music -

Two music options for today's lesson, you can choose one or both activities to complete (depending on the resources you have available at home)

Activity one - Making a musical instrument! Please follow the instructions on the sheet added below to make your own instrument. Put on your favourite song and see if you can play your instrument along with the beat.

Activity two - Reviewing music! Choose two different pieces of music from two different genres. Listen to the music and think about how it makes you feel and what you want to do when you listen to this music. On the worksheets below please draw a picture representing how it makes you feel then, if you have time, write about it and give the music a rating.

Friday 12th February 

Morning message from Miss Trafford -

Maths -

Maths lesson - Statistics consolidation.

If your child struggled with any of the lessons this and last week then please go back to the questions and discuss them again or have another go. If you need some extra challenge then please choose some or all of the worksheets below.  

English -

Hamilton trust - Diary of a Kangaroo (lesson 5)

Please see the lesson resources below.

Spelling (15 mins)- 

Friday's spelling quiz!
Please ask your child to spell the following words;
almost, already, altogether, chalk, smallest, walked, stalking, tallest.
At the end of the quiz ask your child to tick or fix the word. Tick each letter if correct or 'fix' the word by writing it again if necessary. 

P.E. -

Lesson - Dance

Today Darcey Bussell will be your dance teacher! 

You can watch Darcey dancing here -

Please click this link to access the dance lesson -

African music is a lot of fun to dance to, here is some African music you can listen to and practise your new moves -