Sporting Provision - lunchtime clubs, competitions and PE

We are really proud of the variety of equipment we have installed to enhance our physical development during break times. We secured funding last year to have a new adventure frame installed and this will be erected over the Easter Holidays.
Despite being a small school we are committed to ensuring our children have a wide range of opportunities both in and out of school especially in preparation for transition to Secondary School.
We offer a range of after school clubs and have recognised the need for informal social interaction especially following the COVID 19 pandemic so all clubs are fully funded by school and because after school transport is a barrier to some children we have moved some of these clubs to lunchtimes and they seem to be proving very popular.
We are extremely proud of the talented staff who deliver excellent PE. However, following the restrictions of the COVID pandemic where visitors and coaches in school were limited we started with a planned cycle of coaching throughout the 2021-22 school year. Autumn Term started with football, this continued in Spring Term and was enhanced by work on dance and fundamental skills.We will have gymnastics, netball and tag rugby after February half term too.