Our Ethos

After working as a Primary School for one year we gathered children, governors, and staff to re-evaluate our core beliefs. Becoming a Primary School has enabled us to widen our horizons and develop our learning so it was felt that now was a fitting time to develop our School Ethos -

Our Ethos Statement

‘Hand in hand together we will become resilientrespectful and responsible citizens of our community and the wider world.’

Our School Aims and Values 

• To provide an open, secure and welcoming Christian environment for each pupil. This is expressed through daily worship which acknowledges the presence of God in our lives.

• To further develop and value the partnership that exists between school and the local churches, in particular, through sharing weekly worship and to encourage an appreciation of the Christian faith and a familiarity with the local Christian heritage.

• To care for each pupils’ safety, happiness and well-being.

• To value our pupils as individuals, developing their ability to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, promoting confidence and self-esteem, and respect for others and their environment.

• To equip our pupils with the knowledge to make informed choices about having a safe and healthy lifestyle.

• To offer opportunities for our pupils to become involved in the daily life of the school and to prepare them to play an active role as citizens locally and in the wider world.

• To provide a learning environment, which is challenging and stimulating yet ordered and disciplined.

• To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, setting realistic targets for each pupil.

• To extend and reinforce our pupils learning, making expectations clear, and raising achievement levels. • To develop and maintain a mutually supportive partnership between home and school.

Our ethos and aims were developed with the whole school community and we hope, will enable every child to reach his or her full potential. It is believed that they will build a firm foundation for your child’s future education and prepare him or her for their role in our ever-changing society where they can be the best they can be whilst supporting their fellow citizens.

From September 2017 we have carefully developed our curriculum to reflect our aims and to provide all children with an enjoyable curriculum which enables our aims to be achieved. This was further developed during Summer 2020  and again in 2022 in response to experiences  and restrictions the children may have had during lockdown and continues to be reviewed so that is remains relevant.

We believe that our vision is intrinsically linked in all things that we do and were pleased to have this re-affirmed in our SIAMs inspection July 2019. Please find our SIAMs self evaluation toolkit below and a final copy of our inspection report. Evidence of our on-going commitment to our school vision  can be found in our past and current photo galleries on our school website.