Fun in the snow! 17/01/17

We have had amazing fun this morning in the snow! 
We learnt so much while we had fun and covered every area of our curriculum. Here are some examples!

Physical Development - Rolling snowmen, running, making snow angels and pulling our sledge.
Literacy - We were writing in the snow with sticks!
Maths - We were constantly using positional language, the language of shape and comparing sizes. Miss Dick makes the biggest foot prints!
PSED - Inviting friends to play, talking about playing in the snow at home with family and friends, looking after each other and working together to build snowmen. We were really good at taking turns as we only had 1 sledge!
Communication and Language - The language and vocabulary used to describe the snow was amazing.
Understanding the World - noticing things in the environment, talking about freezing and melting, talking and learning about the weather and looking for animal prints.
Expressive Art and Design - drawing pictures in the snow and building a snow man!